Members Only
Click the club logo above to access the Members Only Page. It is password protected so only club members can access the membership list. Please do not share the password or the membership list with any non-members.
To get the password contact any club officer or board member. If requesting the password through an email, be sure to send the email from the address you have registered with the club. This is so your membership can be validated before sending you the passwords.
Note: The password has been changed in preparation for the 2024-2025 meeting year. The old one obviously no longer works.
Club Officers & Email Contact
President: Rich Mooney president @
Vice President: Frank Downs vp @
Treasuer: Charles Hammes treasurer @
Secretary: Don Bowers secretary @
Newsletter: Don Bowers newsletter @
(note, remove the spaces when using the email addy's)
The Members Only page is also where you can purchase club branded items. Support your club. A portion of each purchase goes to the club treasury.