The Main Line Fly-Tyers club was organized during the winter of 1971-72, through the combined efforts of a group of area sportsmen and several employees of the James L. Cox Sport Shop in Bryn Mawr, PA. Organizational meetings and early functions used the store's facilities. When the Club expanded, several rooms in the Archbishop Carrol H.S., Radnor, were made available through the efforts and generosity of the members. The Club's headquarters had been at the Schuylkill Valley Nature Center in Roxborough section of Philadelphia. In 2004 the meeting location was moved to the Greater Plymouth Community Center in Plymouth Meeting, PA. (about 5 minutes from the Plymouth Meeting Mall)
Our monthly programs are structured to be personal and informative, on fly fishing for trout, salmon, bass, saltwater species and other related subjects pertaining to virtually every facet of fly tying, fly casting, stream tactics, entomology, and equipment. Our programs teach the "how to", the "where to go", and the appreciation of our natural resources. Each meeting consists of a fly tying demonstration, a quality guest speaker, a short business meeting, a fundraising raffle, with fly fishing oriented prizes, refreshments, and time to associate with fellow fly tyers and fishers.
The Main Line Fly-Tyers is comprised of junior (12-16) and senior members possessing a common interest in the sport of fly-fishing and fly-tying. They are devoted to sportsmanship, conservation of our fisheries resources, sharing their knowledge and experiences a-stream.
The club participates in area sport shows, conducts fly tying courses for both beginners and advanced tyers, and sponsors seminars and clinics on fly casting and fishing. Other club functions include an excellent lending library (books and video) of current and classic volumes. Members offer related tackle items for sale and swap at meetings. Also the club has an annual camping trip to good fishing on the Upper Delaware each spring.
The Main Line Fly-Tyers Club is open to the public. We are financed solely by the annual membership dues and club raffles. Upcoming events are published in a monthly newsletter. Club meeting dates are the third Thursday of the month from September through June.