Sat last I attended the 76th anual Pa trappers assoc rendavous . I t was an amazing event and it was held up in the Gilbert /Kunkelstown area just a short ways from the headwaters of the Poho .After I checked out the show and a few seminars I was off to do some fishing . I met up with dry waders at the powerlines about 6 pm and thwere were risers and sulphers rather large for this time of year maybe 14 or 16 but then again the Po is a tailwater and alot of morhed out bugs happen on these tailwaters anyway there were lots of risers eager to take our dryflys we both probably caught over 15 apiece and they were still going even after dark . I TS A SHAME THE FISH ARE SO SMALL IN THE PO MAYBE BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY THEY ARE STUNTED BUT IF YOU HAVE A SMAL;L WEIGHT ROD LIKE A 2 WEIGHT YOU CAN BETTER MARTCH THESE LITTLE FIGHTERS . tHEY CERTANLY PROVIDED ME WITH ALOT OF FUN ON MY 5 WEIGHT AND SOMETIMES ONE WOULD ACTUALY PULL OUT THE DRAG IT WAS A GOOD EVENING .
No I didnt fall in thats aswitch .Just about everytime on fishing creek I fall in or it rains and I get wt anyway . I have not seen too much on here latly I guess everbody is busy witht here kids or got suckered into watching the grandkids . I t seems these kids are real time eaters and it cuts realy deep into the fishing time if everybody lkes watching kids instead of fishing how about someone watching old tazz some wekend while I go fishing .
There's not too many people posting here Birkie, I've got kids , grandkids and dogs and I still do plenty of fishing. The Lehigh is fishing great, I just don't do a report every time I fish, the bass are turning on but it's still 4 to 1 trout to bass. Leave your 2 weight in the truck, the average fish is over 12" and they like to run.